Strategic Plan 2017-2020

The global conservation movement is becoming more sophisticated, accountable, and betterinformed in efforts and organizational structures and systems. This is in response to increasingly stringent expectations for fiscal transparency, efficient operations, clarity of measurements and results, and total guarantees of permanence. Entering its 15th year, OLTA needs to acknowledge and reflect these changing circumstances and expectations in land conservation. To be successful, the organization needs to demonstrate maturity and professionalism to gain the full support and confidence of donors, funders, and partners. The imperatives have never been clearer: the work of land trusts is more critical now than ever but the sector will not achieve its full potential in land conservation without sustained efforts and consistent leadership. OLTA has an opportunity to carry the torch for excellence; in the quality of conservation work and sector stability and credibility.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Standard 1: Ethics Mission and Community Engagement
Tags: Community Engagement, Ethics, Goals, Mission, Practice 1B - Mission Planning and Evaluation, Strategic Planning
Author: Ontario Land Trust Alliance
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Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA) is a registered charity focused on providing community, knowledge sharing and support to land trusts and other groups committed to land conservation across Ontario.

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Charitable Registration #869437517RR0001