When you choose to donate to OLTA or to your local land trust, you are helping communities conserve land for generations to come! To find out more about land trusts working in your community, and how you can help them protect the lands we all depend on, we encourage you to explore our Land Trust Directory.
By keeping land and nature intact, caring for it, and helping to restore and protect degraded lands, we help build a world that is healthier, safer, and more climate resilient.
OLTA works with land trusts, government, and many other partners to conserve land, waters, wetlands, forests, and farmlands, and help grow the Land Trust community in Ontario. We are able to do this work because of supporters and land trust heroes like you.
Together we:
Ensure that more people have access to nature
Reduce the risk and severity of floods
Mitigate the impacts of extreme weather on local communities
Preserve biodiversity and protect species at risk
Keep carbon in the soil and out of the atmosphere
These are the pieces that help build the thriving future we dream of, for generations to come. Thank you in advance for your support.
Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA) is a registered charity focused on providing community, knowledge sharing and support to land trusts and other groups committed to land conservation across Ontario.