Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA) is a registered charity focused on providing community, knowledge sharing and support to land trusts and other groups committed to land conservation across Ontario. By strategically protecting land, we contribute essential solutions to biodiversity loss and climate change. Restoring and protecting forests, wetlands, grasslands and farmland are nature-based climate solutions.
Member Organizations
Properties Protected
Protected At-Risk Species
Acres Protected
OLTA fosters conservation through various initiatives such as preserving natural habitats, implementing sustainable land management practices, and engaging in community-driven conservation projects. By collaborating with local stakeholders, OLTA aims to protect biodiversity, promote responsible land use, and advocate for policies that support environmental conservation. Additionally, OLTA provides resources, support, and a platform for knowledge exchange to empower land trusts in their conservation efforts across communities.
A landscape rich with connected and protected spaces, supported by a thriving conservation community.
Empowering a vibrant and enduring land trust community in Ontario.
You add value. Together we strengthen the land trust community by sharing knowledge and ideas.
We will endure. We are committed to protecting the land you love forever.
We will listen. We care about your opinion and will operate with kindness and compassion.
We will earn your trust. We are committed to being transparent, accessible and responsible, and using best available knowledge.
We will raise the bar. We will set an example for ethical decision making and best practices in land conservation.
You are included. We are a continually learning organization that embraces a variety of perspectives and actively seeks to engage with people of all cultures and backgrounds.
We will learn. We will work with Indigenous Peoples in the spirit and practice of reconciliation, honouring Indigenous interests, responsibilities, rights, Treaties, protocols and Knowledge Systems.
OLTA connects the land conservation community by sharing knowledge and best practices, reducing financial barriers to land conservation, promoting organizational excellence, sharing access to current research and Indigenous knowledge systems and acting as a voice for land trusts among the public, governments and other rights holders and partners.
OLTA provides robust support to land trusts through a multifaceted approach. Firstly, the alliance offers a wealth of resources, including funding opportunities, technical expertise, and educational materials, empowering land trusts to enhance their conservation efforts. Through collaborative initiatives and regular knowledge-sharing platforms, OLTA facilitates networking among land trusts, creating a supportive community where experiences, best practices, and challenges can be openly discussed and addressed.
OLTA acts as a unified voice for land trusts, advocating for policies that favor conservation and responsible land use. By leveraging collective strength, the alliance enhances the visibility and impact of individual land trusts, influencing decision-makers and fostering a conducive regulatory environment. OLTA also plays a crucial role in fostering partnerships with governmental bodies, private entities, and communities, further bolstering the capabilities of land trusts to achieve their conservation goals. Through these means, OLTA empowers land trusts, small and large alike, to navigate challenges, maximize their impact, and contribute significantly to environmental preservation.
Our work is guided by OLTA’s Strategic Plan (2021 – 26), which lays the foundation for where we want to be as an organization, and how we will realize our shared vision – a landscape rich with connected and protected spaces, supported by a thriving conservation community. We invite you to learn more about our programs, training opportunities, grants, educational events and more!
Save the Land you Love
The Ontario Land Trust Alliance was established in 2002 and has continued to evolve to serve the needs of the land trust community and to support conservation in Ontario.
The Ontario Land Trust Alliance officially turned 20 years old July, 2022! We are incredibly grateful for the 20 exceptional years we’ve worked with the land conservation community in Ontario and our land trust members.
Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA) is a registered charity focused on providing community, knowledge sharing and support to land trusts and other groups committed to land conservation across Ontario.