Conserving Species at Risk Program


Projects Funded


Participants Engaged

96 Hectares

Species-at-Risk Habitat Restored or Enhanced


Properties with Actions

Across Ontario, land trusts play a vital role in protecting and stewarding ecologically significant lands that are home to many species at risk. The Conserving Species at Risk Program works to enhance the capacity of Ontario’s land trust organizations to protect and recover these species at risk and their habitats. Through this Program, OLTA provides technical training and outreach opportunities, works one-on-one with member land trusts to develop and implement targeted species at risk recovery actions, and provides financial support for member land trusts to undertake actions that benefit species at risk recovery through the Species at Risk Action Fund

Supporting Species at Risk Recovery

Building Capacity

Enhancing Biodiversity Preservation

Icon - Climate Resiliance

Program Supporters:

The Conserving Species at Risk Program is provincially funded through the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Species at Risk Stewardship Program (SARSP). The SARSP program was created under the Endangered Species Act to encourage people and organizations to get involved in protecting species at risk and their habitats through stewardship activities. 

This initiative is supported by OLTA staff and experts from our community. Contact us to learn more or get involved.

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Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA) is a registered charity focused on providing community, knowledge sharing and support to land trusts and other groups committed to land conservation across Ontario.

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Charitable Registration #869437517RR0001