Land Trust Self-Assessment Tool – National S&P Website

The Land Trust Alliance of BC is pleased to announce the launch of the new Standards and Practices website (take a sneak peek at the home page here), created in partnership with the Alliance of Canadian Land Trusts, the Land Trust Alliance of BC, Ontario Land Trust Alliance and Réseau de milieux naturels protégés. This online program is provided as a free capacity building tool for land trusts.

The Standards and Practices website provides users with access to the new Self-Assessment Tool. This resource allows organizations to review and summarize the progress of their land trust over time. By reviewing Standards and Practices in the Self-Assessment framework, land trusts are prompted to prioritize undeveloped areas within their organization. Through completing the assessment process land trusts can also determine if essential documentation is complete or insufficient. After completing each section, land trusts can upload a collection of revised policies, procedures and guidelines, and compile a comprehensive assessment that can be updated as the organization makes progress.

The Standards and Practices website and the Self-Assessment Tool are organized in a clear, user-friendly interface. The step-by-step Self-Assessment frame work allows land trusts to complete a self-assessment at a pace determined by the user. Uploading documents during the assessment provides users with secure storage and organization of their land trust’s documentation and allows users to easily return to where they have left off. The online Self-Assessment Tool is accessible to multiple users, facilitating effective group work, and allowing collective opportunities to analyze land trust practices and policies.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices
Tags: Assessment tool, S&P, S&P assessment, S&P assessment tool
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