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Annual Property Monitoring Webinar

February 29, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

February 29 @ 10:00 am 11:30 am

Join OLTA, Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust, and Thames Talbot Land Trust for a discussion of annual monitoring practices and procedures.

Participants will gain a better understanding of who typically completes annual monitoring, training for property monitors, documentation and forms completed with each site visit, and what happens next!

In addition to routine monitoring, we will also talk about ways to incorporate species at risk monitoring into annual procedures to keep your records up to date and to help inform stewardship decisions.

Thursday February 29, 10-11:30 am

This training is free for OLTA members and associates and $45 for others.

To participate, please register here.


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Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA) is a registered charity focused on providing community, knowledge sharing and support to land trusts and other groups committed to land conservation across Ontario.

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Charitable Registration #869437517RR0001