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Engaging New Canadians with Nature – Successes and Learnings Webinar

April 12, 2023 @ 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

April 12, 2023 @ 2:30 pm 3:30 pm

When: April 12 @ 2:30pm – 3:30pm (ET)
Cost: Free
Description: Are you interested in developing a program to engage newcomers to Canada? Join OLTA staff, and our partner organizations in this online webinar to learn about our Engaging New Canadians with Nature program as well as collaboration opportunities. We will share an overview of the program, events we’ve developed, our learnings, and opportunities for you to develop similar programs. Register for this webinar here.

This webinar is based on the Experiential Learning Guide that OLTA staff developed in 2022 (the second year of the program) to share successes and opportunities for this program, with additional learnings from this third year of the program.

We will also hear from a few speakers about their personal experiences and collaboration opportunities to develop similar programs.

Register here.


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Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA) is a registered charity focused on providing community, knowledge sharing and support to land trusts and other groups committed to land conservation across Ontario.

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