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Spatial Tools for Conservation Planning Webinar

March 22, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

March 22, 2023 @ 1:00 pm 3:00 pm

When: Wednesday, March 22, 2023 @ 1:00pm – 3:00pm (EST)
Location: Zoom Webinar
Cost: Free to Canadian Land Trusts; $45 for others.
Description: Nature Conservancy Canada (NCC) develops science-based conservation technology tools for the prioritization of natural areas which leads to better strategic planning and more efficient resource allocation. NCC produces Natural Area Conservation Plans (NACPs) in several regions across Canada to evaluate the conservation value of natural habitats, ecological services and anthropogenic pressures.

Currently, NCC is working on modernizing their conservation technologies with online prioritization tools that help answer questions like Where to work and What to do? They have also developed innovative field data collection, property mapping, and monitoring tools. These tools are beneficial to land conservation.

As part of OLTA’s ongoing commitment to Land Trust members, join us as Jason Beaulieu and Richard Schuster from NCC present the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s geomatics tools at different scales (national, provincial, regional, local) and provide guidance on how to use them. This session is suitable for all staff and volunteers involved in conservation planning at your organization. It will be particularly useful for GIS staff and volunteers.

Register here.


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Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA) is a registered charity focused on providing community, knowledge sharing and support to land trusts and other groups committed to land conservation across Ontario.

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