
Participants Engaged


Land Trusts Educated


Land Trusts Supported with "Assessing your Organization"


Land Trusts & Board Members Received Peer Learning Training

OLTA’s Education and Training program enhances land trust resilience by revitalizing educational resources and creating a stronger learning platform. This increases access to and improves knowledge sharing and resilience among our member organizations.

We achieve this through our capacity building program which is a transformative initiative that has empowered and strengthened land trusts across Ontario. This comprehensive program lays the foundation for sustainable land conservation training and resources, equipping organizations with the tools and knowledge needed to protect our natural heritage for future generations. We are excited to share the significant impact and success of our capacity building efforts.

OLTA Digital Resource Repository

The resource library aims to strengthen land trusts by continuously providing education and training around the Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices (S&Ps). It will expand to include resources on engaging youth, self-care, addressing privilege, supporting Indigenous resurgence, and other strategic priorities to enhance land trust resilience.

We will develop an integrated platform for delivering digital educational resources, training materials, and videos. This digital library will support our strategic priorities by offering structured training, access to documents and instructional videos for self-directed learning, and alignment with the Canadian Land Trust S&Ps. Our goal is to build organizational strength, individual learning, and long-term viability for land trusts.

Assessing Your Organization Program

At the heart of OLTA’s Capacity Building Program is the “Assessing Your Organization” program. This personalized and in-depth assessment allows participating land trusts to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement within their organizational structure and conservation efforts. OLTA expert staff work side-by-side with land trusts, devising tailored strategies to optimize their impact, streamline governance, and strengthen operations.  

Regular Workshops and Webinar Trainings on Indigenous Education

Recognizing the vital role of Indigenous communities in conservation, OLTA hosts regular workshops and webinar training on Indigenous education. These initiatives foster collaboration and mutual understanding between land trusts and Indigenous peoples, ensuring that conservation efforts are culturally sensitive and inclusive. By forging meaningful partnerships, we create a stronger, united front against threats to our natural landscapes. 

Conservation Planning and Record Keeping

A standout feature of our Capacity Building Program is sharing resources and tools to support conservation planning and record keeping. These strategies empower land trusts to make informed decisions regarding land acquisition, preservation, and restoration. By harnessing the latest technology and spatial data, organizations can develop conservation plans and manage data to be more efficient, effective, and sustainable.

Volunteer-led Land Trust and Board Member Meetings

Volunteers are the backbone of the land trust community, and OLTA is committed to nurturing their growth and impact. Our program offers dedicated volunteer-led sessions, providing these passionate individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to become effective conservation advocates. We also extend this support to board members, empowering them with governance and leadership expertise, ensuring the overall success and longevity of their organizations.  

This initiative is supported by the Volunteer-Led Land Trust Knowledge-Sharing Committee.

Educational Resource Sharing

Collaboration is key to our collective success. Through OLTA’s Capacity Building Program, we have established a thriving network of land trusts that engage in educational resource sharing. This dynamic exchange of knowledge and best practices amplifies the positive impact of each organization, creating a ripple effect that benefits the entire land trust community.

Supporting Regulatory Compliance to the Canadian Land Trusts Standards and Practices for members

Land Conservation and Stewardship

Addressing gaps in the Land Trust community

Icon - Climate Resiliance

Program Supporters:

The initiative has been supported and funded by the Government of Canada through the Natural Heritage Conservation Program (NHCP) and Wildlife Habitat Canada (WHC) through the Land Trusts Conservation Fund, which is a component of the Natural Heritage Conservation Program.

This initiative is supported by OLTA staff and experts from our community. Contact us to learn more or get involved.

OLTA Ontario Land Trust Alliance logo

Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA) is a registered charity focused on providing community, knowledge sharing and support to land trusts and other groups committed to land conservation across Ontario.

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Charitable Registration #869437517RR0001