2023 OLTA Annual Gathering

The 2023 Gathering was held in-person on November 1-3, 2023 at the Bayview Wildwood Resort . The theme for the Gathering was “Nurturing All Our Relations – Connections with the Land and People”. The Gathering sessions focused on a range of topics, including Indigenous land stewardship practices, using record keeping and engagement practices effectively to deepen community connections, and the importance and complexity of conservation easement agreement enforcement amendments and disposition. 

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Gathering. We had a great turnout with over 100 participants who gathered to share their passion for land protection and to celebrate our community’s accomplishments.  

A highlight was the keynote speech by Jacqueline L. Scott, founder of Black Outdoors, entitled “Land Trusts: Building A Bridge Between Conservation and Social Justice”. Jacqueline challenged everyone present to consider who the outdoors is accessible to, and how we can all collaborate to bring more people in.   

During the gathering, we had representation from the Ontario Parliamentary Assistant John Yakabuski, who commended land trusts during his speech and encouraged the land trust community to reach out and connect more often to their local MPs and MPPs. 


Amidst a surprise snowfall, participants enjoyed an energizing and fun hike along the Kahshe Barrens Trail, led by Amanda Porter of the Muskoka Conservancy. Workshops and discussions focused a wide range of topics, including how we can build on the work of volunteers, financial issues for land trusts, and Indigenous approaches to land conservation. We had fun, gathering together, staying warm, and making music at the evening bonfire.  


The Annual General Meeting was held as part of the Gathering. We are excited to welcomour new Board Governors Terra Duchene (not pictured), Samantha Whiteyeand Katie Akey! 

Gathering Overview

Gathering Sponsors Logos

Speakers Corner

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Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA) is a registered charity focused on providing community, knowledge sharing and support to land trusts and other groups committed to land conservation across Ontario.

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